I can't believe Libbie is 7 years old already! She is such a little sweet heart and she'll always have an extra special place in my heart because she was my first child. We love her so much and she adds so much to our family with her quirky personality and great sense of humor! We had a blast having the fam over for her b-day party after family pics and going to the pool for some fun in the sun!! Here are just a few of my favorite pics from her party and as a baby! We love you Beans!
** My likes:
* My kids; Libbie, Corbin & Brooklyn
* The Indianapolis Colts (Go Payton)
* Hanging out with family & friends **
** My Dislikes:
* Annoying people
* Traffic
* Dieting (UGH!) **
* Nickname: Beaner Sue Sue * Age: 8 * Grade: 3rd * Favorite Food: "Fancy" Macaroni and Cheese (which is just any kind at a restaurant!) and Pickles! * Favorite Show: Hannah Montana, Jonas & Phineas & Ferb * Favorite Music: Anything by Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus, Jonas Bothers, Taylor Swift, or anyone else on Radio Disney! * Favorite Movie: High School Musical (any of them!), & Hannah Montana The Movie * Favorite Sport: Soccer and Softball * Favorite Color: Purple * Favorite Thing: Webkinz, Nintendo DS & Littlest Petshops * Favorite Store: Justice for Girls * What she wants to be when she grows up: A Cheerleader and a Veterinarian! * A few things you may not know about her: She was born in Georgia; she's worn glasses since she was 1; she is by FAR our most dramatic of all 3 kids! Also, most recently, she was baptized in June 2009!
Corbin Trent
Corbin's Stats:
* Nickname: Bud-O-Rooskie * Age: 6 * Grade: 1st * Favorite Food: Zesty Chicken and Rice; and Augratin Potatoes * Favorite Show: Phineas & Ferb & Spongebob Squarepants * Favorite Movie: Star Wars the Clone Wars * Favorite Music: Anything on the 20 on 20 * Favorite Color: Green * Favorite Thing: T-Bone (his stuffed animal he's had since he was about 6 months old. It's the ugliest, patchiest looking stuffed dog you've ever seen!) * Favorite Sport: Soccer (but we are counting down the years until he's old enough to play Football!) * A few things you may not know about him: He was born in Georgia, like his sister Libbie; He is probably better at math than Libbie is and he's only 6; He is more coordinated at the Wii than most kids his age (and older if you've seen Libbie play); He hates most fruit, but loves most veggies!
Brooklyn 'Brookie Boo Boo'
Brooklyn's Stats
* Nickname: Brookie Boo Boo * Age: 2 1/2 * Favorite Food: It's easier to just list the few things she doesn't like because there isn't much she won't eat, but she hates muffins and french toast. * Favorite Color: Pink * Favorite Music: She loves anything she can dance to but especially her Dora CD * Favorite TV Show: Dora & Diego * Favorite Movie: Horton Hears a Who * Favorite Toy: Any of her many babies and her nursery set * Favorite Thing to Wear: Nightgowns * Favorite Sport: Swimming * A Few Things You May Not Know About Brooklyn: Brookie was born with kidney problems and had surgery to correct them in May '08. She loves to dance and sing to music and she love, love, loves the water!!
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