Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Tag

Well, I got tagged by Katie, so here we go!

What your suppose to do.....delete my answers and type in your own. Don't for get to tag four people.
A)Four places I go over and over:
1. Libbie's school
2. Corbin's school
3. Grocery store
4. Park

B)Four people who email me the most:
1. Bonnie
2. Debbie
3. Jamie
4. Lori

C)Four of my favorite foods:
1. Chinese
2. Pizza
3. Steak
4. Pasta

D)Four Places in which I would rather be right now:
1. Hawaii
2. St. George
3. San Diego
4. Park City

E)Four people I'm tagging:
1. Bonnie
2. Tina
3. Nina
4. Lori

F)Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Wedding Crashers
2. Anchor Man
3. Harry Potter (Any of them)
4. Billy Madison (such a classic for me!)

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