Monday, March 31, 2008
Okay, so a while ago Bonnie told me how much Jaxon loves Andrei Kirilenko, so I thought it would be appropriate to share my undying love for Kyle Korver!! Trent already gave me a 'free pass' on him so I'm covered, but I seriously never even watched basketball until New Year's Eve 2007 when Korver debuted for the Jazz, and now I am like one of those crazy lady Jazz fans all of a sudden! Anyways, just thought I'd let you all know that little piece of information! ;)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
It's About Time Lazy Bum!
So Brooklyn is just about 15 months old now, and FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY on Easter she quit crawling! She has been taking steps and attempting to walk for a long time now, but she finally just let got and took off. We were so excited that she was finally doing it, and then I thought to myself, why in the world was I so eager for her to become even more mobile! She's already into everything within reach, but now we will have to totally start watching every little thing she does. Anyways, we're proud of you Boo Boo!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Brooklyn's Big Day
So we got Brooklyn's surgery all scheduled and confirmed today and it's going to be on Friday, May 2. We won't know what time until the day before (mine and Trent's anniversary) because they finalize OR schedules 24 hours at a time so that the most time consuming and critical ones can be accomidated. We'll keep everyone posted on how she's doing and we'll call and text when she's out and in recovery and all that good stuff. Wish us luck and keep her in your prayers please!
Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired!!
Hello there everyone. I need to whine here for a minute okay. I HATE being sick!!! I came down with like the worst multi-symptom yuck that I've had in the longest time this last week. I usually get like 'half sick' where for a few weeks you just can feel something brewing but nothing major really ever comes from it. Well I think it was all brewing for this round. I think every cold, flu, sinus infection, you name it finally teamed up to kick my butt and it totally had to be while Trent was out of town! He feels bad (yeah, right! I'd be cheering if I 'happened' to be gone when he was sick!) but there seriously is nothing worse than feeling like crap and just knowing that you are going to pass it on to your kids. What else can you do? I don't think it'd go over to well if I just didn't pick up Brroklyn to change her or feed her for a few days, but Libbie and Corbin definitley came to my rescue to be my helpers! I feel a TON better today than yesterday when I wanted to roll over and die, but my mom, bless her heart, skipped church to come over and help with the kids for a while and she cleaned my house for me too! Well I'm done venting, but I had to do it here, I have no voice and there's no telling when it'll come back! I don't care though, I've found that without the ability to scream and yell at everything, I'm probably alot more pleasant to be around! :)
Friday, March 7, 2008
Update for Brooklyn
Well we're back from our appt. at Primary's and I just thought I'd update everyone on her. Her reflux is about the same now as it was at this time last year, which means urine is backflowing into her kidneys just as much as it was when she was first diagnosed. She'll more than likely have surgery to correct the problems and to prevent long-term damage to her kidneys sometime between now and May. The doctors say it is a fairly easy surgery as far as surgeries are concerned, just the usual risks associated with all surgeries, but the good news is there's a 99% success rate after the procedure. Thanks for all of your prayers and concern and we'll keep you posted when we get her all scheduled and ready to go!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Brookie's Boo Boo! :(
So tomorrow is Brooklyn's big test day at Primary's for her kidneys. For those of you who don't know, Brooklyn has a kidney disorder where she gets constant infections because urine flows upstream back into her kidneys from her bladder. She had the test the first time last year when she was 6 weeks old and had her first kidney infection. They said then that she'll probably need surgery but they wanted to wait until she was a little bigger so she's been on anti-biotics every day for a year now and we go in tomorrow for some more tests to see if and when she'll need surgery now that she's big enough to handle it. Trent and Jeff gave her a blessing today (what a blessing it is to have the priesthood in our family) so we are cautiously optimistic that she'll be fine and things will go as smoothly as possible. Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers and we'll keep y'all posted!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Hey everyone! So I had to put up some pictures that Jason brought over today when he took Libbie skiing for the first time! Ryan and Heather were taking their 2 oldest kids and Jason was going with them so he called and asked Libbie to go with him. How sweet of an uncle is he right! So she went with him up to Snow Basin and they had so much fun and the pictures are so cute I had to post a few of them before I forgot! Anyways, Thanks for being such and awesome uncle and brother Jason! We love you!
Libbie with her cousin Kelly. They are only 4 months apart and they are very close friends!
Libbie and Jason getting ready to hit the slopes!
Not bad for her first time huh!!
Libbie and Jason getting ready to hit the slopes!
Not bad for her first time huh!!
I made it and I'm alive and in one piece!!!
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