Thursday, March 6, 2008

Brookie's Boo Boo! :(

So tomorrow is Brooklyn's big test day at Primary's for her kidneys. For those of you who don't know, Brooklyn has a kidney disorder where she gets constant infections because urine flows upstream back into her kidneys from her bladder. She had the test the first time last year when she was 6 weeks old and had her first kidney infection. They said then that she'll probably need surgery but they wanted to wait until she was a little bigger so she's been on anti-biotics every day for a year now and we go in tomorrow for some more tests to see if and when she'll need surgery now that she's big enough to handle it. Trent and Jeff gave her a blessing today (what a blessing it is to have the priesthood in our family) so we are cautiously optimistic that she'll be fine and things will go as smoothly as possible. Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers and we'll keep y'all posted!


The Stephensen's said...

Good Luck! I hope everything turns out ok for Brooklyn. Let us know if you need anything.

Bonnie said...

Let us know what you find out. Good luck!!