Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tagged By Bon!

3 Joys:
-My 3 awesome kids; Libbie, Corbin and Brooklyn
-My husband, Trent
-My life

3 Fears:
-Something happening to me, my family or friends
-any and all bugs and spiders! They are ALL gross!
-Creepy noises in the house when Trent's out of town

3 Goals:
-Go back to school for Cosmetology! (I'm starting sometime this year after the kids start school!)
-Lose weight
-Get Brooklyn potty trained by Halloween

3 current obsessions:
-So You Think You Can Dance
-Back to School Shopping
-My new Niece Ryann!

3 random facts:
-I was born in Colorado
-I love cooking, but HATE cleaning
-I would love to open my own business someday

I am tagging: Lori, Nina, Heather, Debbie and Jamie

Here are the rules: Post these rules on your blog. Answer these 15 questions about yourself on your blog. List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, and 3 random/surprising facts. Tag 5 people at the end of your blog by listing their names.


Bonnie said...

You're going into cosmetology? Awesome! I didn't even know you wanted to do that!

Bonnie said...

Oh, and I'm still waiting to see pics of Ryann!