Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Bookie Boo Boo!!

Yeah Brooklyn! Yes, she turned 2 years old on Monday! I seriously can't believe my little baby is 2 already! This one went by very fast! We're enjoying every minute of her growing up and we love her sooooo much! She has never met food that she doesn't immediately love so it's hard to say what she likes and doesn't like! She calls all of us by name now (except for Libbie who is 'Wibbie' and Corbin who for some reason is 'Cocoa'!) She loves to scream out your name very loudly if you don't respond the first time and Trent swears that she just does it to see how long it will take you to turn around and say WHAT! She loves to dance, sing and play dress-up. We love our little BooBoo so much and we're so glad that she's in our family! Above are some random pics from her couple b-day parties!


Tyson and Lori Maxfield said...

Oh my gosh she is so cute, and I can't believe how grown up she is, I swear she was just a baby, time goes by so fast.

Tiffanie said...

Oh Becky, she reminds me so much of our little girl. Her name is Alexus, but we have always called her Boo. She has a twin brother and the turn 2 in July.