Friday, January 9, 2009

My Resolutions.....

So for a while now I've been thinking about the "New Year" and all the stupid resolutions that people make (and brake) and I really wanted to try and come up with something that I could and would stick with. I thought about putting an actual number to my ever-lasting weight loss goals, but I don't want to set myself up to fail or set the bar too low, so that's no good. I thought of saying that I wouldn't miss one week of church all year, but let's be realistic, I'm probably gonna skip a few, so that one's shot. So what I finally came up with is probably the simplest, common little goal, but it's one that I can't say that I always follow, and that is my very favorite quote from President Hinckley: "Try a little harder to be a little better." I know that sounds way corny coming from me because I'm not serious alot of the time, but I am really going to try and take this to heart this year and see where it takes me! Anyways, Happy New Year! (just a tad late with that, but who cares!!)


Tina and Derek said...

I think that's a great new year's resolution- in fact i'm going to make it mine too! Thanks for the great idea Beck!

The Stephensen's said...

Hey i want to read your blog;) even though you never update it!