Friday, January 2, 2009

Trent Turns 30!!! HA! HA! HA!

Trent's mom and he have a long running joke about their friend 'Gretchin' who was nice enough to show up to his birthday dinner! Isn't she gorgeous?? Lol
Thanks to everyone who took the time over a busy week to come to Trent's birthday celebration! We had fun going to dinner and bowling after!

So ya, Trent turned the big 3-0 this Dec! Way to go Honey, you made it!!! We had a great time celebrating and totally making fun of him all week! He was a really good sport and he really doesn't care about hitting that next decade! We love you Trent and here's to the next 30 years!!
Don't mind Trent's expression in any of these pictures, I love you honey, but he has looked high or asleep in every pic we've ever taken! (yes, including our wedding photos!)

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