So, ya... Pretty much I'm a major slacker when it comes to updating the 'ol blog these days. It's not for lack of things to blog about, it's merely finding the time and energy to put thoughts into words. Since my last post things have gotten crazy busy around here: The kids started school, I got a job & Brooklyn started daycare.. (I'm not so much excited about that one, but what r ya gonna do, right??) Halloween was really fun with the kids; Libbie was a witch, Corbin was iron-man & Brooklyn was a pumpkin. I will try and get my lazy butt to post some pics very soon before my kids are fully grown!
All in all, things are okay most of the time, but I'm kind of entering yet another new chapter in my life entitled, "I want my damn life back!" I try and keep focused on other things, of which there are plenty to focus on, but at the end of the day I just keep thinking I'll somehow wake up and this nightmare will be over and I'll have my life and family back.. Not so much back the way it was, just back and trying to make things better. I'm not naive enough to think that's a reality, it's just my crazy-ass head playing tricks on me, but still, with my b-day and the holidays coming up fast, it'd be nice to have something to look forward to. (not that I don't appreciate and totally look forward to spending the holidays with my awesome kids and my family, but you know what I mean.)
Well, I'll post more soon and I'll try to keep the next one on a positive note!!! It's kind of like not going to the grocery store hungry... you shouldn't try to blog or talk to people when you're having one of 'those' days I guess. ;)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Well as you all have read or heard, I've had a lot of changes in my life recently. I have had so many emotions running through me over the past few months and it has been pretty overwhelming, but with the help of great family and friends I can honestly say I am very happy with my life right now. I didn't really think that this would be the outcome, or that if it was I'd be so accepting of it, but I really feel like Trent and I are doing the right thing for us and our kids. We are getting along better than we have in forever, and he's much more involved with the kids now than he ever was before. I know that I'm going to be okay and the fact that Trent and I can be friends is such a comfort to me because we have an eternity linking us together with our 3 awesome kids! I'll try to post more often now that I'm all settled and back in the swing of things, and seriously thanks to everyone for your love and support through the last little while. I love you all! :)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
All Settled :)
Well we're in & settled! It's been a bit of an adjustment and I'm currently trying to stave off boredom while my kids are spending their first weekend with Trent. I have literally never slept alone in my entire life until last night, which was an interesting experience. Not that I think my kids could protect me, but to have absolutely NO noise in my house and on a holiday was very strange. Every day brings something new to think about and some things are harder than others to handle, but all in all, I think I'm going to be okay. I have a mirror & 2 scrolls left to hang before I'm officially done, then I'll take some pics & post them up to see. :) I'll quit rambling now...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Status Update....
Well, things are definitely moving forward whether I'm ready for them to or not. I'm moving into my "new" place this weekend. I know I sound like such a brat and I'm really not trying to be, but I've never lived in a place with a # before. (like an apt.) It'll be something new to have neighbors like right there on either side of me but maybe it'll be good. I know one thing for sure, things can only go up from here. Some days are better than others and the last couple have been particularly hard because we had to sit down with our kids and talk to them about what's going on. Thank goodness Brooklyn doesn't really understand. Libbie and Corbin are troopers and such great kids and I have every faith that they'll be fine and that we'll all pull together to make sure of it, but just seeing your kids sad and knowing that you caused it really stops you in your tracks a bit. I also just want to say how extremely grateful I am to have such wonderful friends. Everyone has been so supportive even though I've been so out of touch the last few years. If that's the positive thing I get from this experience then that's good enough for me. I'm so glad to have reconnected with old friends and that I've come to understand that it's okay to need people sometimes. I am so rambling on, but I get teary-eyed every time I think about this stuff so thanks for bearing with me. I'll keep y'all posted and thanks again for all your love, & support. :)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Becky's New Beginning
Hi everyone. Well the title really does sum it up for the most part i guess. There is no good, easy or tactful way to tell friends this sort of news so I'll just go on with it. Trent and I are separating. There are a lot of situations that could put blame on either one of us and drive wedges and create tension, but the bottom line is that we've had a really rough go at it from day one. He's not happy, I'm not happy, and in turn our whole family isn't where it needs to be. We're going to try this and see if we can each work on some things but it is just getting to that place where enough people know some of the story so I thought I'd post something up and any individual questions you have please feel free to ask. I just physically cannot try to tell everyone individually. This is probably the hardest thing I ever thought I'd have to deal with, but Trent is committed to taking care of me and the kids which is great and he loves his kids so much and will be around them as much as he possibly can. Well that's all the information I have for now. I'll Keep you all posted as i know more.
Thanks, & Love you all,
Thanks, & Love you all,
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Libbie's Special Day!
Well today was Libbie Sue's special day! My little girl got baptized! It was such a great day for her and it turned out really nice and a big thanks to everyone who helped and came to show your support and love. She was baptized and confirmed by Trent and it was so neat to watch him be able to share that with our first little girl. I know it sounds really cliche' but I swear it seams so recent that we were this scared little young couple in Georgia welcoming her into our lives and now she's getting so big and grown up on us. We love you so much Libbie Sue or as we call her "Beaner" and we're so proud of you for getting yourself ready and being so excited to be a member of the church. All she wanted this year for her birthday was her own set of scriptures with her name on them. What a big girl thing to ask for and what a sweet little spirit she has about her. I hope you'll always remember this day and how many people love you and want you to be happy in your life. We love you with every bit of our hearts and souls and we're so thankful that you came into our lives. Love, forever, Mom & Dad xoxo.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Blah, Blah, Blog!
Okay, it has been such a very long, busy time since I updated this blog last so here goes a novel, with pics to come soon!
First of all, HaPpY bIrThDaY CORBIN! Yep, our little man dude turned 6 on April 18th! He is so awesome and such a blast to have as our son! He so makes life more interesting and logical!! He is very set in his ways and everything he does has to make sense but not to normal people, just in his little 6 yr-old brain! We love you Buddo-Rooskie!
Easter was also a blast! We had my favorite, a marathon of family egg hunts and parties for the weekend with mixtures of good and bad weather. I love that my girls love their not-so-frilly Easter dresses since mommy doesn't do frills, & I love that Corbin loves to dress like a little GQ & doesn't mind as long as he can change when he's done! So anyways, Happy (late) Easter everyone!
And last, but certainly not least, Trent and I celebrated our 10th (yes 10th) anniversary on May 1st! How did we spend it you ask??? He was in Atlanta & I spent the weekend with the kids at my mom & dad's house! Oh ya, we sooooo know how to live it up! We did go to Park City the weekend before so a big thanks to G-ma & G-pa Miles for keeping the kids for us for the weekend! It's kind of funny how you build something like a 10th anniversary up in your head thinking you should do some huge thing, but I think if there's anything that the last 10 years and the last year especially have taught us it's that the real big deal is that we've lasted 10 years and we've definitely had our ups and downs, but the fact that we're still together & have 3 awesome kids to show for it is way better than anything else I could ask for. So to sum it all up now that I'm rambling on, Happy 10th anniversary Honey! I love you so much & can't wait for the next 10 & the 10 after that clear through eternity!
I will post some cool pics from this spring when I get a minute to catch my breath, so be patient!! :)
First of all, HaPpY bIrThDaY CORBIN! Yep, our little man dude turned 6 on April 18th! He is so awesome and such a blast to have as our son! He so makes life more interesting and logical!! He is very set in his ways and everything he does has to make sense but not to normal people, just in his little 6 yr-old brain! We love you Buddo-Rooskie!
Easter was also a blast! We had my favorite, a marathon of family egg hunts and parties for the weekend with mixtures of good and bad weather. I love that my girls love their not-so-frilly Easter dresses since mommy doesn't do frills, & I love that Corbin loves to dress like a little GQ & doesn't mind as long as he can change when he's done! So anyways, Happy (late) Easter everyone!
And last, but certainly not least, Trent and I celebrated our 10th (yes 10th) anniversary on May 1st! How did we spend it you ask??? He was in Atlanta & I spent the weekend with the kids at my mom & dad's house! Oh ya, we sooooo know how to live it up! We did go to Park City the weekend before so a big thanks to G-ma & G-pa Miles for keeping the kids for us for the weekend! It's kind of funny how you build something like a 10th anniversary up in your head thinking you should do some huge thing, but I think if there's anything that the last 10 years and the last year especially have taught us it's that the real big deal is that we've lasted 10 years and we've definitely had our ups and downs, but the fact that we're still together & have 3 awesome kids to show for it is way better than anything else I could ask for. So to sum it all up now that I'm rambling on, Happy 10th anniversary Honey! I love you so much & can't wait for the next 10 & the 10 after that clear through eternity!
I will post some cool pics from this spring when I get a minute to catch my breath, so be patient!! :)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Congratulations Shawn & Melissa!!!
Wow, so I know I haven't blogged in such a long time, but I have very exciting news! Trent's youngesst brother Shawn just got engaged!! He just got home from his mission in Taiwan on March 3rd and as is the tradition for all these Miles boys, he found his one and only and why wait when ya know it's right!! The engagement is official now and we couldn't be happier for the two of them. What a cute couple and we're so excited to have another girl around here! We love you Shawn & Melissa! (or as they will forever be jokingly known by Trent & I... S&M!!)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
WooHoo Wendover!
We had the funnest night last night! Trent called me yesterday from work and told me he had gotten his parents to watch our kids and that he had tickets for us to go see Frank Caliendo in Wendover. For those of you who don't know who he is, he has that show on TBS 'Frank TV' and he does the Fox Sunday NFL Pregame show. He does all the cool celebrity impersonations and he is hilarious! So we went to dinner and drove out there for the show and we had such a great time. Just thought I'd brag on Trent a bit, so thanks for the fun night honey! Love ya! :)
Friday, January 9, 2009
My Resolutions.....
So for a while now I've been thinking about the "New Year" and all the stupid resolutions that people make (and brake) and I really wanted to try and come up with something that I could and would stick with. I thought about putting an actual number to my ever-lasting weight loss goals, but I don't want to set myself up to fail or set the bar too low, so that's no good. I thought of saying that I wouldn't miss one week of church all year, but let's be realistic, I'm probably gonna skip a few, so that one's shot. So what I finally came up with is probably the simplest, common little goal, but it's one that I can't say that I always follow, and that is my very favorite quote from President Hinckley: "Try a little harder to be a little better." I know that sounds way corny coming from me because I'm not serious alot of the time, but I am really going to try and take this to heart this year and see where it takes me! Anyways, Happy New Year! (just a tad late with that, but who cares!!)
It's Time...
Okay, I've been thinking about taking this thing private for a while now, and my sister Tracie just told me a freaky story about who could potentially be checking out these things, so that pushed me over the edge. I will leave it public for about a week or so, so let me know if you'd like to stay on my reading list and I'll be sure to add you! Thanks, and safe & happy blogging!! :)
Friday, January 2, 2009
MVP!! (for the 3rd time!!!) :)
Happy 2nd Birthday Bookie Boo Boo!!
Trent Turns 30!!! HA! HA! HA!
Don't mind Trent's expression in any of these pictures, I love you honey, but he has looked high or asleep in every pic we've ever taken! (yes, including our wedding photos!)
Holy Cow!! It's Been A While!!!!
Okay it has definitley been way too long since I updated this blog so hold on tight, it's gonna be a marathon! (if my way bad connection doesn't kick me off in the middle like it has been!)
So the last time I updated was right after Halloween I think so a quick Happy November Birthday shout-out to: Brandon, Justin, Shawn, Bryce, Nina and of course myself! We had some great times in November with the fam celebrating b-days and Thanksgiving! It was a very busy month for everyone I'm sure, so no excuses I will just try and get better!
Now we come to December! Merry Christmas to everyone out there! I am officially the worst freind ever for not getting my act together and at least getting my cards out this year! I don't know what the deal has been but I seriously feel like I haven't sat down for 3 months. We have had one thing after another going on and after the kids go back to school in January I just told myself that enough is enough! I need to stop and catch my breath for a bit before I take on any new projects, so that should leave me more time for a few things I enjoy like catching up on blogs and just hanging out with my kids and friends!
Anyways, back to December... A very Happy Birthday to my mom, Trent's mom, Trent (who we'll get to in a moment) and last but certainly not least, Brooklyn (who we'll also get to in a moment!)
Well that's all for this post, I'll get a bunch of pics up from Christmas shortly!
So the last time I updated was right after Halloween I think so a quick Happy November Birthday shout-out to: Brandon, Justin, Shawn, Bryce, Nina and of course myself! We had some great times in November with the fam celebrating b-days and Thanksgiving! It was a very busy month for everyone I'm sure, so no excuses I will just try and get better!
Now we come to December! Merry Christmas to everyone out there! I am officially the worst freind ever for not getting my act together and at least getting my cards out this year! I don't know what the deal has been but I seriously feel like I haven't sat down for 3 months. We have had one thing after another going on and after the kids go back to school in January I just told myself that enough is enough! I need to stop and catch my breath for a bit before I take on any new projects, so that should leave me more time for a few things I enjoy like catching up on blogs and just hanging out with my kids and friends!
Anyways, back to December... A very Happy Birthday to my mom, Trent's mom, Trent (who we'll get to in a moment) and last but certainly not least, Brooklyn (who we'll also get to in a moment!)
Well that's all for this post, I'll get a bunch of pics up from Christmas shortly!
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