Friday, October 31, 2008
Insomnia 1; Becky 0...
So it's about midnight and I can't sleep so I decided it's about time I change up the Blog again since Halloween is over tomorrow. I don't really enjoy Thanksgiving too much so instead I decided to honor what I'm really excited for this month. TWILIGHT!!!!! It comes out on the 21st and I am sooooo excited! I found this cute blog inspired by Bella Swan so this will be my theme for the month! Unless I decide to work out some birthday theme since that's also this month (hint hint people!!) Anyways, I guess I should go try and at least do something productive but I do have lots more news to post about soon!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Getting Settled!
Hey everyone! We are mostly moved now and I finally got my computer hooked up so I am back online people!! Moving sucks, but we're gettin there slowly but surely! I'll post more stuff that's been going on when I get a second to catch my breath! Hope to see or talk to most of you soon!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Well it's that time again! This is seriously the only part of having my kids in school that I hate! I HATE FUNDRAISERS!! At least our school decided to go against the grain of the rest of Utah and we're not selling Happenings Books. Ya, we're selling wrapping paper instead! I don't mind this as much because at least I can use some of this stuff, but I hate that they push you to sell stuff like your kid's the only one who's selling crap. So here is my one and only sales pitch to whoever may be interested in the least bit. "We are selling Sally Foster wrapping paper and other assorted goodness. If you'd like to go to you can check it out and see if you want to buy anything. If you do, I'll give you Libbie and Corbin's seller id's and you can buy away. I got some cute holiday and everyday gift bags for stuff and bags for neighbor/teacher gifts." There that was relatively painless I guess, but I still don't get why we can't just write a check for whatever we'd have spent and then the whole amount would go to the school. Anyways, I'm done ranting, so enjoy people!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Back To Normal... Whatever That Means!
So ya the title pretty much sums it up. We're back from Island Park (for a while now) and school is in full swing. I am so glad to have my routine back and the kids aren't so bored anymore! All in all things are great. Soccer started a couple weeks ago and Libbie is improving so much this season. She scored 1 goal her first game and 2 goals her 2nd game this last weekend! We're so proud of her! Corbin has scored a goal each game too. We're excited for him as well, but he's a little bit more naturally athletic so it wasn't as much of a surprise for him to do as well as he does. That sounded really snotty but I just mean that sports come a little easier for him and she has to work at it a bit. You get my drift. :) Anyways, I'll get into more specifics and post some pics when I get a chance. You'd think that having 2 kids in school would free me up for this stuff, but I have been running around for 2 weeks it feels like. Oh, and I started reading Twilight last night and I'm finishing it up today so I'll post something about that since in 1 day it has fast become my new obsession! Gotta run and take Corbin to school. He's the VIP of his class this week so I'll let ya know how that goes to!
Friday, August 29, 2008
One Last Hoo Rah!
Well we're off to Island Park tomorrow after Libbie gets out of school! I'm so glad Fridays are our early-out days! And yeah for us, Trent finally gets to join our family for our family trip! I think I may actually have a slight chance of relaxing for a minute or two this time since I'll have a little help! I'm excited to go up and spend some time playing with the kids and having some fun for a few days before school is really back in full swing! I'll have a free hand this time so hopefully I'll have some pics to prove we were there since someone (Jason) only takes pics of his favorites!! Only kidding Jason, don't throw a hissy fit you hot mess! Anyways, I'll post some pics when we get home! I hope everyone enjoys their Labor Day Weekend!!! :)
Back to School, Back to School! To Prove to My Dad That I'm Not a Fool!
Some of you might not get my super subtle Billy Madison reference, but oh well! So YEAH!!! School has officially begun! Here are just a few pics of the kids on their first day and totally sporting their new backpacks! (Well Libbie will correct you if you call it a backpack, it's not it is a BOOK BAG people!!!) She's a bit too fashion savvy for a 2nd grader if you ask me, but at least she cares and wants to look good right? But even though she's a little 'princess' she is the sweetest little thing. When I picked her up after school I asked how her 1st day was and if she had so much fun eating lunch with Maddie and Zoey (her bff's) and she told me that she didn't eat with them because there is a girl in her class named Aubrey that was home-schooled all but the last month of school last year and she doesn't know alot of kids so she ate lunch with her so she wouldn't be alone. I started tearing up half-way through the story and she finished by telling me that she took her over to her friends when they got done eating and introduced them so they could all play together and she'd make more friends! I thought that was a pretty grown up thing for a 2nd grader to think of doing. I don't know how we did it, but Trent and I managed to raise someone who is nicer than we probably would have been at that stage in life. Way to go Beans!
Corbin's a story all his own! His first day of Kindergarten was so fun! We made a family tree and had to color and cut out apples to glue onto the tree and we had 1 leftover apple so he decided to color it black and make it a rotten apple to hang on our fridge for the rest of the week. Then he got to go out and play while the teacher talked to us parents. Well one of the kids got stung by a bee and had to go to the office to get some ice and I was asking Corbin about it after and he says to me "Ya mom, that's totally gotta suck to get stung by a bee on your first day of kindergarten!" I was laughing so hard and I said ya you've already had one kid get stung in your class already huh? And his answer was, "Well actually mom, there were 2 cuz I'm pretty sure I got stung too, I'm just so tough I didn't feel it!" What a boy, trying to act all tough, when really he'd have been screaming like he'd been shot if he'd been stung! They learn early don't they!!
Well, I'm sure I'll post things more often now that school's back in and I have a bit more time to myself!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Okay, I had my first (and hopefully last) encounter with Poison Control today. I was having a bit of the heart burn and I got a Zantac pill out and needed a glass of water to take it with. I set it down clearly out of reach... or so I thought. In the time it took me to turn around, get a glass and fill it with water, Brooklyn had already climbed up on the chair, then the counter (which is safe in and of itself, right?) and grabbed the pill and chewed it up. I was pretty sure I got most of it out with rinsing and digging through her mouth, but just to be safe, I called the Poison Control hotline. It took me a minute to get the number and dial so I now have it programed in all of our phones and posted on the fridge and various places one might look to find such a number! Here's the number in case anyone doesn't have it: 800-222-1222. It's toll free and automatically connects you with the nearest center for help. It really is a good thing to have programmed into your phones.
Ps. I really am not a bad mom, I just struggle with the common sense obviously!
Ps. I really am not a bad mom, I just struggle with the common sense obviously!
All Better!
Well as many of you already know, Brooklyn was born with kidney problems (bilateral ureteral reflux) which is a fancy term for urine going back stream into her kidneys from her bladder causing continuous, recurring kidney infections. Well most of you again know that she had kidney/bladder surgery in May to correct this problem. She went for her post-op appt in June and there was still fluid in and around her kidneys so we had to go back today and do a bunch more tests to make sure that the surgery was a success. Hallelujah!!! the surgery was 100% successful and she no longer has to take her daily dose of antibiotics that she's been on for the past year and a half! And also, her kidneys are healthy and should stay healthy for the rest of her long and happy life!! Thanks to everyone for all your prayers, thoughts and support!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Kids Say the Darndest Things!
Well this actually happened almost a month ago, but I forgot about it until Corbin brought it back up today. We were in a fine establishment most of you may know as Wal-Mart, and we were just walking in and passed a family walking out. They were just a 'normal' family of 4; a mom, dad, and 2 boys. The only thing different about them was that they were all about as tall as Corbin. I hope I don't offend anyone with the rest of this story, but it made me laugh too hard not to tell it. So being like any mom with small kids would be, I threw my kids into the cart and booked it right on out of there so that they wouldn't ask questions. Well that didn't work! Corbin was in awe. So he proceeded, for the next 5 to 10 minutes to ask if I saw those "Gibbets" in the store! I explained to him that they are just little people, and Libbie tried to teach him the term "midget" but he just kept blurting out, "Ya, I know, those really short Gibbets!" He has said his share of words wrong and cracked me up, but this one caught me off guard and me and Trent are still laughing about it, so I'm sorry if anyone has a problem with my kid calling every little person he'll ever see a Gibbet!
One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Libbie Sue!
We went to the eye doctor today for Libbie's annual before-school exam to check if she needed new lenses for school, and she is now the proud wearer of contacts! Her doctor wanted her to get into them sometime this year and thinks that she'll really benefit from wearing them now, so we thought we'd give it a try! We had one heck of a time getting them in for the first time, but I think she'll do great once she gets used to them! I just can't believe I have a kid old enough to wear contacts!! We'll post some pics of our "lens free" Libbie when I get them off my camera!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
An Ode to the Olympics!
Well really there is nothing that I can think of that I Don't love about the Olympics, but there are some things that stand out more as my favs! What, you ask, well I'll tell you!!
1. Michael Phelps: He is, for lack of anything else to say, AMAZING! He is so exciting to watch and just seems like an all around "great guy" and on a side note, Trent gave me "permission" if he ever comes a knockin!! (ya, cuz that'll soooo happen!)
2. The men's gymnastics team: I love a good under dog, and when Paul and Morgan Hamm got injured and everyone counted team USA out of medal contention all together, they put their heads down and went to work and had an awesome event and won the bronze. By the way they were smiling though you'd have thought they won the gold!
3. I love it when you are watching something that you think is "just a race" but then by chance, something happens and you end up watching something that will surely go down in history as one of the most amazing finishes you'll ever see in your life! And to top it off, the raw and pure excitement that comes to the winners and to see it all unfold live! (you know who I'm talking about mens' 4 x 100 relay!)
4. I pretty much will watch anything when it comes to the Olympics because I love them so much and always have, but I'll even watch stuff I normally find boring, because you have to give it up to these athletes! They work and train and sacrifice so much to even get a small shot of being on the team and they don't get paid for their sport (usually, unless you're men's basketball, then whatever dude!) I just think that for all they put in to it, we owe them the courtesy of watching them fulfill their dream of winning gold for themselves and our country for 2 short weeks! Wow, I am deep!
There are so many more things I love about these games, but those are a few that stand out right now.
PS. Though I do love Michael Phelps, I must say I love the rest of the US Swim Team as well! The girls are rockin and the other guys are great too! And I can't wait for Track and Field to start!
1. Michael Phelps: He is, for lack of anything else to say, AMAZING! He is so exciting to watch and just seems like an all around "great guy" and on a side note, Trent gave me "permission" if he ever comes a knockin!! (ya, cuz that'll soooo happen!)
2. The men's gymnastics team: I love a good under dog, and when Paul and Morgan Hamm got injured and everyone counted team USA out of medal contention all together, they put their heads down and went to work and had an awesome event and won the bronze. By the way they were smiling though you'd have thought they won the gold!
3. I love it when you are watching something that you think is "just a race" but then by chance, something happens and you end up watching something that will surely go down in history as one of the most amazing finishes you'll ever see in your life! And to top it off, the raw and pure excitement that comes to the winners and to see it all unfold live! (you know who I'm talking about mens' 4 x 100 relay!)
4. I pretty much will watch anything when it comes to the Olympics because I love them so much and always have, but I'll even watch stuff I normally find boring, because you have to give it up to these athletes! They work and train and sacrifice so much to even get a small shot of being on the team and they don't get paid for their sport (usually, unless you're men's basketball, then whatever dude!) I just think that for all they put in to it, we owe them the courtesy of watching them fulfill their dream of winning gold for themselves and our country for 2 short weeks! Wow, I am deep!
There are so many more things I love about these games, but those are a few that stand out right now.
PS. Though I do love Michael Phelps, I must say I love the rest of the US Swim Team as well! The girls are rockin and the other guys are great too! And I can't wait for Track and Field to start!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Long Time No Blog!!
So it's been like forever and a day since I updated everyone on what's going on, so you may want to go get a snack and take a potty break cuz this might be a long one!! We are all back safely from Island Park! (Even Rosario managed to make it home in tact, right Jason!!!) We had such an amazingly fun time up there especially considering Trent and Mike weren't there. Neither was Shawn because he's rounding out the mission and will be home in late January! We went to see a gorgeous waterfall with the kids and they loved it and we also went to a little town called Ennis in Montana and it was well worth the hours drive to get there! From there we went to the Lewis and Clark caves which is only about 30 minutes north of Ennis, but it feels like it's in Canada when you're driving with unruly kids who need a nap, am I right Nina!? We hiked up this mountain trail to the caves which was 300 ft of elevation over .75 miles and we couldn't take any of the babies in strollers so thanks a million to the rest of the fam for taking turns with all the babies so we could rest our arms, and backs for a bit. Once we were in the caves it was about and hour and a half of exploring and we had to go up or down about 600 stairs, slide on our butts in places and duck and crouch down while carrying the little kids through the caves. If we would have known what it all entailed we probably would have opted not to take the little ones in but we're so glad we did because we had such a great time with all of them. I was too busy wrangling in my 3 kids the whole trip to take a lot of pictures and since Jason only likes Nina and Heathers' kids, me and my kids are no where to be found in ANY of the pics from the trip, but I promise we did actually go with the fam!! (just kidding Jason; I know you like Bella too!!) Any ways, since we've been back home me, Debbie, Heather and Jason went up to Park City for a night and went shopping, to dinner and to see Mama Mia! That is such a great movie! I loved the play, but the movie is hilarious! We had so much fun laughing and singing and dancing (well that was mostly me being embarrassing to the group, but oh well!) so thanks for a great time Deb! :) Now I am back home gearing up for school to start in 2 weeks and we've got a lot to do until then. Libbie goes to the eye doctor on Thursday and will hopefully get fitted for contacts and Brooklyn has her next round of tests for her kidneys next Thursday so keep her in your prayers will ya! I'll try to post more often so I don't have a novel next time, but if you made it to the end of this without quitting way to go blogger enthusiast! I am very impressed! Talk to you soon!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I'm So Brave
So I'm really not that brave, maybe just stupid! I'm heading up to Island Park tomorrow with the kids. Trent's family will be going as well, but Trent himself will be in Phoenix for the week! This is the second trip up there this summer while Trent is out of town on business so I get to drive for 4 hours alone in the car with all 3 kids! It really isn't as bad as it sounds on the way there, it's the way back that kind of sucks. If I survive without wanting to strangle anyone I will take some pics and post them when we get back either Sunday or Monday. I'm actually just looking forward to one last mini vaca before school starts so it should be a good time, but I guess we'll see!! Wish me luck! :)
Tagged By Bon!
3 Joys:
-My 3 awesome kids; Libbie, Corbin and Brooklyn
-My husband, Trent
-My life
3 Fears:
-Something happening to me, my family or friends
-any and all bugs and spiders! They are ALL gross!
-Creepy noises in the house when Trent's out of town
3 Goals:
-Go back to school for Cosmetology! (I'm starting sometime this year after the kids start school!)
-Lose weight
-Get Brooklyn potty trained by Halloween
3 current obsessions:
-So You Think You Can Dance
-Back to School Shopping
-My new Niece Ryann!
3 random facts:
-I was born in Colorado
-I love cooking, but HATE cleaning
-I would love to open my own business someday
I am tagging: Lori, Nina, Heather, Debbie and Jamie
Here are the rules: Post these rules on your blog. Answer these 15 questions about yourself on your blog. List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, and 3 random/surprising facts. Tag 5 people at the end of your blog by listing their names.
-My 3 awesome kids; Libbie, Corbin and Brooklyn
-My husband, Trent
-My life
3 Fears:
-Something happening to me, my family or friends
-any and all bugs and spiders! They are ALL gross!
-Creepy noises in the house when Trent's out of town
3 Goals:
-Go back to school for Cosmetology! (I'm starting sometime this year after the kids start school!)
-Lose weight
-Get Brooklyn potty trained by Halloween
3 current obsessions:
-So You Think You Can Dance
-Back to School Shopping
-My new Niece Ryann!
3 random facts:
-I was born in Colorado
-I love cooking, but HATE cleaning
-I would love to open my own business someday
I am tagging: Lori, Nina, Heather, Debbie and Jamie
Here are the rules: Post these rules on your blog. Answer these 15 questions about yourself on your blog. List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, and 3 random/surprising facts. Tag 5 people at the end of your blog by listing their names.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Baby! Baby! Baby!
Well congratulations to Scot and Tracie! (my sister and her husband in case you don't know them) They welcomed their 1st little one into this world on Wednesday night at 8:17 pm. Little Ryann Ellie Jensen was born on July 16, 2008 and she weighs 7 lbs 2 oz, she's 21 inches long and she has a whole tiny little head full of black hair! I will post some pics of her when I get my camera back but for now you'll have to take my word for it, she is sooooooo adorable! Tracie and Ryann are both doing great also, so again, congrats Scot and Tracie, she's a Keeper!! :)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Trent Sucks!!!!!
So ya, the title pretty much sums it up folks, but I'll fill y'all in on the whole thing so that you ladies (some of you anyways) will agree with me! So me and Trent decided to start getting more 'healthy' and along with droppin some serious pounds, we also want to just improve our overall health and lifestyles. So there's the basis of the situation we're currently in. Well we decide to do this 2 day total juice fasting 'cleanse' thing that gets rid of all the toxins and impurities that build up in your body. We started this lovely idea on Sunday so we could be home with each other since I have the self control of a crack whore when it comes to food. We go through this whole first day miserable from not eating, but still having to cook to feed the kids and I'm thinking well at least we should lose some weight on this crap as an upside to starving for 2 days, right??? So Trent goes in to the bathroom to weigh himself after the 1st, yes 1st day and had already lost 4 lbs. Well I'm thinkin, "AWESOME" I should have lost that too since we did the EXACT same thing!! WRONG! I lost .5 lbs. yeah, that's a decimal in FRONT of the 5! I killed myself for a half a damn pound! So that whole day Trent's on cloud nine and I'm stuck on mount fat ass for the rest of my day! I still did my juice crap, but it was sooooo much harder after that weigh in. All in all Trent lost like 10 lbs over the course of a weekend and I lost 1 lb. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure I went down a cup size in bras, while Trent can now pull his pants on and off without unbuttoning them!!! Ya know, I had 3 kids. I didn't complain about being pregnant. I didn't complain about nursing, or losing my mind being home with 3 kids and no adult conversation. I even didn't complain about my 3 c-sections. I recovered very, very quickly and never complained about pain or the ugly scars! But how cruel is it that after going through all that women have to go through for their kids, men lose weight like it's an extra layer of clothing that they just decided to take off so it's gone, yet we have to kill ourselves like we're training for Ultimate Fighting or something!? And that is why TRENT SUCKS!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Happy Birthday Jason!
Well I just thought I'd give a little shout out to one of my favorite people in the world, Jason! Happy Birthday, we love you so much! I don't know how often (if ever) you read my blog, but I just wanted to let everyone know what a great brother (and in-law) he is! He is always there for everyone whenever we need him, and no matter what the situation he can always put a smile on your face just by being there for you. We're so lucky and blessed to have him in our family and I don't know how we'd have gotten through some of the crap this year without him. So Happy birthday Jason, I hope you had a great day, you deserve it!!
Love, Becky :)
Love, Becky :)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Fun in the Sun!!
So we have been having a blast so far this summer at our neighborhood pool! Brooklyn is such a little fish! She has no fear which we're not sure yet if that's a good or bad thing since she is only 1 and she already dunks herself under water and swims in the big pool with nothing but water wings on! Here are just a few pics from the other day with Kenadee and Bridger with us.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Miles Family Pics - Summer '08
We recently got our family pictures taken so that we have an updated one with all the babies being born in our family, so enjoy the show!!
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Marriage Tag!
How long have you been married? 9 Years, 1 month
How old is your spouse? 29 (a whole year, month and day older than me so I will NOT be turning 30 this year people!!
Who eats more? Trent definitley!
Who said I love you first? I honestly don't remember
Who is taller? Trent by about 10 inches or so
Who sings better? I'll have to say me by a long shot
Who is smarter? book smart, me; business smart, Trent
Who controls the T.V. remote? Trent does even though I'm better at it!! LOL
Whose temper is worse? Mine
Who does the laundry? We both wash it, but only I fold it. (Libbie can start it now too!)
Who does the dishes? Me and Libbie
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Trent has since we got married.
Who cooks dinner? Me and only me! I LOVE to cook so he's not allowed in my kitchen!
Who is more stubborn? both of us are stubborn, but I win that one hands down.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? i usually don't admit when I'm wrong! Let me rephrase that, I would gladly admit it if it ever happens!!! LOL
Whose parents do you see the most? We see both pretty much equally
Who has more friends? That's about even too, but I've been friends with mine longer and his are mostly business friends.
Who has more siblings? Trent has one more than I do.
Who wears the pants in the family? We both make decisions together. That way no one's ever wrong or right unless the other one is too!
I tag Katie, Bonnie, Tina and Lori
How old is your spouse? 29 (a whole year, month and day older than me so I will NOT be turning 30 this year people!!
Who eats more? Trent definitley!
Who said I love you first? I honestly don't remember
Who is taller? Trent by about 10 inches or so
Who sings better? I'll have to say me by a long shot
Who is smarter? book smart, me; business smart, Trent
Who controls the T.V. remote? Trent does even though I'm better at it!! LOL
Whose temper is worse? Mine
Who does the laundry? We both wash it, but only I fold it. (Libbie can start it now too!)
Who does the dishes? Me and Libbie
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Trent has since we got married.
Who cooks dinner? Me and only me! I LOVE to cook so he's not allowed in my kitchen!
Who is more stubborn? both of us are stubborn, but I win that one hands down.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? i usually don't admit when I'm wrong! Let me rephrase that, I would gladly admit it if it ever happens!!! LOL
Whose parents do you see the most? We see both pretty much equally
Who has more friends? That's about even too, but I've been friends with mine longer and his are mostly business friends.
Who has more siblings? Trent has one more than I do.
Who wears the pants in the family? We both make decisions together. That way no one's ever wrong or right unless the other one is too!
I tag Katie, Bonnie, Tina and Lori
Monday, June 2, 2008
I can't believe Libbie is 7 years old already! She is such a little sweet heart and she'll always have an extra special place in my heart because she was my first child. We love her so much and she adds so much to our family with her quirky personality and great sense of humor! We had a blast having the fam over for her b-day party after family pics and going to the pool for some fun in the sun!! Here are just a few of my favorite pics from her party and as a baby!
We love you Beans!

We love you Beans!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Congratulations Corbin!
Soccer Season Comes To An End!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Libbie Got Tagged!!
So Kinley tagged Libbie on Katie's blog and now we're tagging, Jaxon and Luke Slater, Carson Miles and Kelly Miles!!
Name 5 things about your Kid.
1. Libbie's favorite color in the world is Purple! She loves it so much that she doesn't want me to even dress Brooklyn in it because it's stealing her color away! She said that there are plenty more 'girl' colors out there and maybe Brooklyn should try pink or red because purple is already taken!!
2. Libbie LOVES tumbling and cheerleading. She is on a cheerleading squad and tumbling team and is the only flyer on the team. She can do flying basket tosses and be held by one foot and shockingly to me, she doesn't get scared! When she grows up, she says she wants to be a Jazz cheerleader and a Veterinarian.
3. She is the biggest Hannah Montana, Highschool Musical and Miley Cyrus fan ever!!! She has been to her concert, The 3D movie, and watches the shows and anything they're on! She has all of the cds and all the songs on her iPod which she sings to loudly and shamelessly in the car or anywhere we go!
4. Libbie loves art and anything to do with it. she'll literally draw on anything, and even now at 7, I'll catch her drawing pictures on her closet wall and she explains to me that she's working on her "Masterpiece" and needs the space!
5. She is so into fashion it is almost scary. She is a major drama queen especially when it comes to getting dressed and ready to go anywhere! She loves to shop and definitely has a taste all her own when it comes to style. I'm not now nor was I ever a 'girly girl', but Libbie is soooo a princess! I think she gets it from her Grandma Miles who wanted girls so bad, but instead got 5 boys and now she gets to play with the granddaughters!
We wouldn't trade our Beaner (as we call her) for anything! She was my first baby and is now my biggest helper! We love ya Beans!
Name 5 things about your Kid.
1. Libbie's favorite color in the world is Purple! She loves it so much that she doesn't want me to even dress Brooklyn in it because it's stealing her color away! She said that there are plenty more 'girl' colors out there and maybe Brooklyn should try pink or red because purple is already taken!!
2. Libbie LOVES tumbling and cheerleading. She is on a cheerleading squad and tumbling team and is the only flyer on the team. She can do flying basket tosses and be held by one foot and shockingly to me, she doesn't get scared! When she grows up, she says she wants to be a Jazz cheerleader and a Veterinarian.
3. She is the biggest Hannah Montana, Highschool Musical and Miley Cyrus fan ever!!! She has been to her concert, The 3D movie, and watches the shows and anything they're on! She has all of the cds and all the songs on her iPod which she sings to loudly and shamelessly in the car or anywhere we go!
4. Libbie loves art and anything to do with it. she'll literally draw on anything, and even now at 7, I'll catch her drawing pictures on her closet wall and she explains to me that she's working on her "Masterpiece" and needs the space!
5. She is so into fashion it is almost scary. She is a major drama queen especially when it comes to getting dressed and ready to go anywhere! She loves to shop and definitely has a taste all her own when it comes to style. I'm not now nor was I ever a 'girly girl', but Libbie is soooo a princess! I think she gets it from her Grandma Miles who wanted girls so bad, but instead got 5 boys and now she gets to play with the granddaughters!
We wouldn't trade our Beaner (as we call her) for anything! She was my first baby and is now my biggest helper! We love ya Beans!
My Tag
Well, I got tagged by Katie, so here we go!
What your suppose to do.....delete my answers and type in your own. Don't for get to tag four people.
A)Four places I go over and over:
1. Libbie's school
2. Corbin's school
3. Grocery store
4. Park
B)Four people who email me the most:
1. Bonnie
2. Debbie
3. Jamie
4. Lori
C)Four of my favorite foods:
1. Chinese
2. Pizza
3. Steak
4. Pasta
D)Four Places in which I would rather be right now:
1. Hawaii
2. St. George
3. San Diego
4. Park City
E)Four people I'm tagging:
1. Bonnie
2. Tina
3. Nina
4. Lori
F)Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Wedding Crashers
2. Anchor Man
3. Harry Potter (Any of them)
4. Billy Madison (such a classic for me!)
What your suppose to do.....delete my answers and type in your own. Don't for get to tag four people.
A)Four places I go over and over:
1. Libbie's school
2. Corbin's school
3. Grocery store
4. Park
B)Four people who email me the most:
1. Bonnie
2. Debbie
3. Jamie
4. Lori
C)Four of my favorite foods:
1. Chinese
2. Pizza
3. Steak
4. Pasta
D)Four Places in which I would rather be right now:
1. Hawaii
2. St. George
3. San Diego
4. Park City
E)Four people I'm tagging:
1. Bonnie
2. Tina
3. Nina
4. Lori
F)Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Wedding Crashers
2. Anchor Man
3. Harry Potter (Any of them)
4. Billy Madison (such a classic for me!)
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Brooklyn's Surgery
Well Brooklyn had her surgery on Friday and everything went very well. It only took about 2 1/2 hours as opposed to 5 like we were planning. She did so awesome with everything and we were able to bring her home on Saturday around lunch time. Here are some of her pre and post op pics. She was so funny and sweet we just can't believe how well she's recovering.

Brooklyn before she knew what was coming!

This is what Drunk Brooklyn is like. She's a happy drunk and we wanted to sample some of whatever they gave her to relax too!

This is right before they took her back for her surgery.

Fresh out of surgery and completely exhausted!

She had such a hard time staying awake she fell asleep drinking apple juice!
Brooklyn before she knew what was coming!

This is what Drunk Brooklyn is like. She's a happy drunk and we wanted to sample some of whatever they gave her to relax too!

This is right before they took her back for her surgery.
Fresh out of surgery and completely exhausted!
She had such a hard time staying awake she fell asleep drinking apple juice!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
So today is mine and Trent's 9 year Anniversary! Well we sure know how to live huh! This is definitley not our most romantic anniversary to date, but probably the one I'll remember the longest! I'm sure we'll find time later this month to go out on an official date, but for now HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HONEY! I can't believe it's been 9 years! I love you so much and I can't wait for the next 9 to see what surprises they bring us! XOXO -me.
Well I thought I'd update y'all in case I don't get a chance to talk to everyone before tomorrow. I just got off the phone with the hospital and Brooklyn will check in tomorrow morning at 10:15. I don't know exactly when she'll be taken back for the surgery, but it should be by 11:00 so we'll text and call when she gets out and we know everything is okay. Thank you so much for everyones' prayers and good wishes. We sure appreciate living close to family and friends at times like these! Anyways, we'll keep everyone posted, so wish us luck!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades!!
Corbin's Birthday Party!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Well, my little man is turing 5 tomorrow (Friday)! He is soooooo excited to bring his favorite treat, 3-muskateers, to school for his birthday celebration. He doesn't quite understand that he still has to go to preschool for the rest of this school year though. He walked in on Wednesday and told his teacher he had a very important announcement to make which was that Friday would be his last day with them because it's, "Time for me to move on!" He says the most grown up phrases, it just cracks us up when he talks like an adult. I'll post some pics of his party so stay tuned! We love you Corbo! :) Here are some pics of his 1st 5 years with us!
He had really bad jaundice when he was born. He had to be under the flouresant lights for 3 days. :(
This is probably my favorite picture of him EVER! We went 4-wheeling to the beach at Bear Lake and he wouldn't take the helmet off the whole time!
I may be bias, but I sure think he's one handsome dude!

His 1st day of school this year!
Corbin's First Birthday!
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